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Traktorreparationer i Västerbotten . Agro Service i Vilhelmina, vi erbjuder traktorreparationer, motorarbeten, service och traktorreparationer i Västerbotten. För mer info vänligen besök våran hemsida agro.emarknad.se

Service på Zetor traktorer, vi har lång erfarenhet och bra produktkunnande.

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Zetor info:

ZETOR TRACTORS a.s. provides world-wide sale of original spare parts for both warranty and non-warranty service for Zetor tractors through the sales network of our contractors. A sophisticated system of terms and conditions for dealing with standard or urgent customer orders makes it possible to fix Zetor tractors promptly even in such cases when our contractual sales representative does not have the requested part on stock.

Apart from standard supplies, we also provide urgent supplies with the date of delivery within 1 or 2 days from placing the order. Parts are delivered throughout the whole world by a delivery service. This makes it possible to respond to our customers’ or representatives’ needs flexibly. The system of controlling our stock of spare parts operates precisely and systematically and brings a complex view of the complete flow of spare parts. Each part is labeled with a unique identification code, which makes it possible to track each individual part from stock receipt all the way to the customer (including date of expiry with selected parts).

Allmän beskrivning

ZETOR TRACTORS, a.s. also provides consulting services within the area of spare parts and service. Catalogues of spare parts are published to make ordering easier. At the same time we operate “Online catalogue of spare parts”. These catalogues contain a clear overview of all spare parts needed to fix a given bundle. Thus, the customer receives a set of original spare parts needed for a given repair with a single order number. The online catalogue can now be accessed only by Zetor’s contractual partners. We also provide re-editions and sale of original “Catalogues of spare parts” for all types of Zetor tractors, beginning with US I Zetor 2011-3011. Currently, our records contain more than 22,000 items of original spare parts for all types of Zetor tractors of US I and US III as well as for US II.

Z ETOR TRACTORS a.s. pays great attention to a program which focuses on identifying the originality of supplied spare parts for products of Zetor brand. Quality of spare parts is checked continuously while they are produced and it is equal to the quality of parts which are used for assembling new products. Original spare parts also reflect all improvements and innovations which guarantee full recovery of operation and utility qualities of the fixed machine. Originality of supplied spare parts is secured by packaging them in original packing (provided with the company’s logo) and signed with a label with the number of the product and barcode with a unique identification number.

Välkommen till Agro service
Traktorreparationer i Vilhelmina, traktorer, motorarbete, zetor

Län Västerbottens län

Kommun Vilhelmina

E-post small_bandit65@hotmail.com

Telefon 0940-484033

Hemsida http://agro.emarknad.se

Roger Karlsson 070-2825048