Teknisk Konsult i Norge. Välkomna till Xactconsultance!
About Us
Xact is an expanding consulting company with more than 80 people working within oil & gas and the marine technology industry. We are specialized to provide technical solutions and capabilities. Our engineers’ main tasks comprehend product development and project management at our clients’ departments.
The company was founded in 2008 with the ambition of becoming one of the largest and most respected consulting companies in Norway. Our customers are now mostly located in Norway and Sweden and we are still expanding.
We offer consulting services in design, product development and project management, and our customers are companies in high density technical markets.
Xact currently consists of Xact Consultance AS and the two subsidiary companies:
Xact Partner AB – handles all the engineering services business in Sweden, and is also used as a satellite office.
Act Competence AB – is an education company and offer education services in R&D and Lean production systems
Övrigt 5567628002
Kommun Göteborg
Telefon 0303-741860
Mobil 0704-222996
Jörgen Rygaard 0704-222996