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Sportartiklar Boden

Fällkniven i Boden AB

Granatvägen 8,96143,Boden

Welcome to Fällkniven!

As we´ve been in the knife business for more than 30 years, we have built up quite a large experience about knives.And, since we are hunters and outdoorsmen for many years, we have gained a huge knowledge in how a knife shall work.This is being reflected when we design and produce our knives- they are safe, comfortable, sharp and strong, qualities youusually wish to get from a good knife. That might be a reasonwhy our knives are so popular worldwide.

Please visit our website for more information www.fallkniven.com

Welcome to Fällkniven. Sportartiklar Boden
Sportartiklar Boden

Län Norrbottens län

Kommun Boden

E-post info@fallkniven.se

Telefon 0921-54422

Hemsida http://www.fallkniven.com