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Kristinehamnsvägen 2,68071,Björneborg

Tillverkning av stål. Stålverk.

The steel area has a several hundred year long tradition in the Swedish steel industry with the companies Scana Steel Björneborg, Scana Steel Booforge and Scana Steel Söderfors. This business area also includes the Norwegian company Scana Steel Stavanger, and Leshan Scana Machinery Company in China.

The companies each have an independent and long history, and specialise in different production areas. The business area supplies complete products to all of Scana?s customer segments; marine, energy, steel and machinery and oil and gas. Production takes place at Scana?s own production facilities, which include melting plants, forges, rolling mills, foundries, and heat treatment and machining units. Production is of a high standard, and complies with ISO-certified quality assurance systems. The business is characterised by high levels of metallurgical expertise and strong market positions in the respective product areas.

Org.nr 5562567387

Län Värmlands län

Kommun Kristinehamn

E-post industrier@scana.no

Telefon 0550-25100

Fax 0550-27420

Hemsida http://www.scana.no