Onkologi i Lund. Försäljning av medicinteknisk utrustning för cancer och onkologi.
iClin Solutions is a privately held marketing and sales organization specializing in flexible, powerful and easy-to-use solutions for the cancer clinics across northern Europe. The company was founded by ADITUS Medical and the management group in 2006. Today iClin is one of the leading providors of systems for electrochemotherapy.
Through our subsidiary, ADITUS Medical, we have many years of solid experience in the electroporation field. ADITUS also holds several patents for stand-alone electroporation or for electroporation in combination with other therapies such as radiation therapy. ADITUS constructed and introduced its own electroporation system for use within the lab- and the pre-clinical markets. This electroporation system is today marketed by iClin Solutions.
iClin and ADITUS are headquarted at Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden in the middle of Medicon Valley - one of the world's leading biotech clusters which spans the Greater Copenhagen area in Denmark and the Skåne region of southern Sweden.
Allmän beskrivning
Our mission is to provide state of the art equipment, training, education and information in the field of Electrochemotherapy in order to make this treatment option available and to improve the quality of life for a larger patient population
Our vision is to establish the Electrochemotherapy (ECT) as the preferred choice of treatment in the therapeutic portfolio for treatments of cutaneous and subcutaneous metastatic or primary tumours.
Övrigt 5567110696
Län Skåne län
Kommun Lund
Telefon 046-5406215
VD Bo Inge Hansson 0465-406215