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Materialhantering i Västerås


Fallhammargatan 8,72133,Västerås

Materialhantering i Västerås. Welcome to Raumaster AB.

About us.

Finish engineering in the wood precessing and energy industries is of world class quality. Raumaster Oy, founded in 1984, is a renowed supplier of advanced material handling systems and equipment. Today our company is regarded as a global leader in its line of business.

Raumaster continually strives to ensure the utmost reliability and quality of our products and after sales service. We employ more than 200 professionals to ensure that the highest standards are maintained. Our turnover is approximately 80 million EURO.

Reumaster's success stems from its ability to supply complete deliveries. We supply material handling systems for the wood processing industry and for energy and power plants. Our primary objective is customer satisfaction and the effective maintenance of long standing customer relationships. 

Allmän beskrivning

Bolaget ska bedriva servicverksamhet, ombyggnader och reparationer på utrustning för bränslehantering, vedhantering och rullpappershantering samt bedriva projektledning och konstruktion avseen
de utrustning för dessa ändamål jämte annan därmed förenlig verk-

För mer info besök gärna vår hemsida eller kontakta Piitulainen, Paavo på telefon nr 

021-30 07 50

Välkommen till Raumaster AB

Org.nr 5567842223

Län Västmanlands län

Kommun Västerås

E-post paavo.piitulainen@raumaster.se

Telefon 021-30 07 50

Hemsida http://www.raumaster.se/

Piitulainen, Paavo Juhani 021-300750