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Managementkonsulter i Lidingö

Albablue Consulting AB

Stenbitsv. 36,18130,LIDINGÖ

Managementkonsulter i Lidingö. Välkommen till Albablue Consulting 

Management Consulting

We develop concrete strategies with clear action plans which are possible to execute. Our experience is that an early and strong anchoring of the strategy in the executive management team is 50 % of the execution. This is the reason for our philosophy to develop new strategies closely together with our Clients, not for our Clients.

Many of our assignments have emanated from initial strategy work. Due to our strong real-life experience of similar tasks we have been asked by our Clients to assist them with certain actions and tasks in order to accelerate the execution of the strategies and business plans. 

Välkommen till Albablue Consulting
Managementkonsult i Lidingö

Org.nr 5568660293

Län Stockholms län

Kommun Lidingö

E-post gerth@albablue.se

Telefon 0760-19 86 92

Hemsida http://www.albablue.se

Gerth Svensson 0760-198692