Vishay Nobel AB
Kraftmätning. Välkomna till Vishay Nobel AB.
On October 27th, 2009, Vishay Intertechnology announced its intention to spin-off its measurements business into an independent, publicly traded company to be named Vishay Precision Group. Vishay Precision Group (“VPG") is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of sensors, weighing modules, and weighing systems for a wide variety of applications Vishay Precision Group, through its brands BLH and Nobel Weighing Systems, designs and manufactures industry-leading and innovative solutions for process weighing and force measurement systems.
Mer information hittar ni på vår hemsida www.blhnobel.com
Org.nr 5560608332
Län Örebro län
Kommun Karlskoga
E-post blhnobel.se@vpgsensors.com
Telefon 0586-63000
Fax 0586-63099
Hemsida http://www.blhnobel.com