Fiberoptik Hudiksvall. Välkommen till Fiberson AB.
Fiberson AB, a company with experience in fiber optics.
Fiberson AB was founded in 2003 by former Ericsson employees, with large experience in fiber optic manufacturing, developement and training.
Extrusion line
The company is located in Hudiksvall, a city on the coast of Gulf of Bothnia 300kms north of Stockholm. Hudiksvall is a growing center for research and development of fiber optics and fiber optic products in Sweden.
Our main business
Fiberson's main fields of operation are:
Fiber Optic Distributed Heat Detection System, fiber optic sensorcable and OTDR-technology
Training and documentation in fiber optics
Fiber Optic Consulting
Development and manufacturing of specialty fibers
För mer info vänligen besök vår hemsida
Allmän beskrivning
ULRICA - Fiber Optic Distributed Heat Detection System
The System is capable of detecting the heat of a fire to within +/- 1 meter over a total sensor cable length of 2000 meters. The system detects high temperature and locates the position of the source faster and more reliably than traditional detectors. Multiple fires along the sensor cable can be detected simultaneously and the size and spread of the fire can be monitored and displayed.
Development and manufacturing of specialty fibers.
Fiberson is active in development and manufacturing of specialty fiber. E.g. polymer coating of specialty fibers for high power lasers and optical fiber for medical applications.
Involvment in developing the new IT infrastructure.
As early as 1997 we were involved in the development of the now world-wide rapidly emerging fiber-optic network infrastructure, an infrastructure that will carry every conceivable digital service in the modern globalized society.
We participated in committees controlled by the Swedish government and drew up documents that made Sweden to a world leader in the deployment of FTTX networks.
In 2004, Fiberson presented a textbook with recommendations on how to build fiber optic networks to the end-user, FTTX networks. The recommendation has been used as framework for recommendations, published by CENELEC, for the European Union, EU.
Övrigt 5565889382
Län Gävleborgs län
Kommun Hudiksvall
Telefon 0650-76010
Mobil 0706-224618
Anders Larsson, VD/Högst Ansvarig