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Aluminiumprofiler Helsingborg

Cetinim AB

Kapplöpningsgatan 14,252 30,HELSINGBORG

Aluminiumprofiler Helsingborg. Välkommen till Minitec System Sweden AB.

MiniTec - 25 years of innovations
From modular assembly systems to total customized solutions

What started with miniature linear guides in 1986, has developed into a globally recognized full-service supplier, employing more than 220 staff at 10 factories, and with more than 60 partners and service sites around the world.

The MiniTec modular system, with its proven, versatile components for automation engineering and plant construction is valued and used by leading companies around the world.

It is on the basis of this system that MiniTec offers the entire spectrum of a full-service manufacturer:

From consultation and project planning with our own software development, through to assembly at the customer's site, including training and after sales service.

Mer info hittar ni på www.minitec.de

Välkommen till Minitec System Sweden AB. Aluminiumprofiler Helsingborg
Aluminiumprofiler Helsingborg

Org.nr 5566192760

Län Skåne län

Kommun Helsingborg

E-post info@minitec.se

Telefon 042-140880

Hemsida http://www.minitec.de

Mobil 0702-388295